Girl Behind The Words

23 y.o,  accounting graduate.

Ngeblog dari 2009, sebenarnya cuman hobi iseng yang nggak pernah diseriusin, karena suka blogwalking dan ngefans sampe ngikutin beberapa blog dari SMP sampe sekarang (9 tahunan).
Nulis pertama kali sekitar kelas tiga SD, bikin cerpen soal baju yang gosong kena setrikaan :D abis itu ada puluhan cerpen dan beberapa novel yang dibuat dan gak pernah ada endingnya (gak dipublish juga) hingga SMA.

Blog ini jarang banget berisi hal-hal bermanfaat, cuman berisi segambreng curhatan soal keluhan dan impian, dan selalu: perjalanan hidup yang relatif, selalu gampang-gampang susah.

The blog recorded my simple notes of interest, which probably I'd love to read 25 years later, love to see my ups and downs, my immature and moody self during teenager till' 20's, which one day I'm gonna make fun about, and take a lot of lessons, thank you for reading, bloggies:)

some people noticed me like taking candid pictures, well, in the top of sidebar maybe the fake candid photo HAHAHA, but this is real :) nope, I'm not that paparazi's freak, it was pure coincidience to put in in blog.


25 y.o

Great to see you all in 2018, happy reading :)

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