and so the journey begins

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Being accompanied to ride home at 10, while my place is so far from yours, while you got cough and cold and some other illness and brought no sweater, I got super hectic schedule and spent so little time with you, but its ok because you would struggle to make that little time works by having me complaining about everything and there you are always getting my things covered, sing a long westlife songs, fooling around, and having my best laugh for today, then I knew that nothing else in this world matters.

I love you, A. :)


Friday, February 15, 2019

These past years were hillarious to me, as I took it scene by scene tonight  I didnt know how to get here nor what I ve done, everythings seems like have gone so fast in a blink. Forced to have new perspective in 2015, everything was change that year , struggling to have my thesis done in time, being a jobseeker, had no clue, had no money, working everywhere to pay a little bill myself, everything was so hard yet so amazing to recall it by now, my life has never been too much easy, I know, but I've never been myself like after 2015, it taught me so many things as I learn how to kept the weight myself.

Today, things are changing, everyday can be so exciting, gained to know more everyday, getting to places to learn, surrounded by many amazing people, family is always my source of spirit, enganged with one of the kindest human being, friends are still the craziest and my comfort zone, everything isn't like how I experience two or three years ago. Life has been super awesome now.

but, sometimes, everything I left there still has it power to make me want to cry, just like right now.