
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Do I actually ave my rights of doing things I like and not to be judged by anyone?

Let's clear it all, see I am through what I've seen myself lately,

23, unemployed, the most sensitive, completely lack of direction, in a thirst to figure 'things' out, who gets angry in every single talks with mom, (...and lets add, a sort, a fatty, a lazy girl alive, and whatsover.)

So, it turns out to be so cynical of bein 'me' lately and ow social interaction is some kinda energy drained, casually, feeling like I can't be fit being on this nor that group, and mom was simply told me that it's not really my thing in handling people, so how can I get a job? That is...depressing. other side, I have no rights to complain, cause I've resigned my first job I told you about my naivity, lack of social skills problem, so, that's just it, can't say I regret it, but, hey, I need my own income this age, it is stressful.