18' Birthdaaay

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A veryyyy different post, this is the first time I'm gonna show my DePc's friends in my blog, yeah! you should have known them long long ago, hahaha...

In 22th of july, they made me feel soooo precious, really I'm glad being the one of them for almost I dont know, maybe two or three years, but I feel I knew them for long long ago, they just like my family, really! They made a script like, heheh, I didnt feel that was just a script, they were act so cool, hahaha, we came and hangout in Malahayati's harbour. the view was great.

 Suci, Mami, Dewi, Me and Erna

Hahahaha, inspired by

the beatles :P

me holding my birthday present, thaanks gals, it means a loot :)

Finding Reality

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Had a good day with Dewi today, and hufftt, again, I'm gonna be crazy about it....

Yeah, lagi-lagi, and I wish this for last! kami ngedaftar buat ikut tes masuk perguruan tinggi, di Unsyiah, setelah beberapa insiden 'mengecewakan' tadi, akhirnya, dapeet juga, dan agak menyebalkan setelah capek-capek disana kita cuma dapet kertas satu ini (mulai labil :P)

dan ....
Yahh, kali ini Diploma III, nggak pernah ngebayangin sih harus 'bergabung' disini selain di psikologi.&*&*%^&%&^%^%&%^&^^!!!!

Ini yang saya pilih sodara-sodara .... :P
And I wish I'll never get some neighmares like this, again....

Have a good day, everyone :))


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"...always live your life likes today is the end of all days, then you will doing all stuffs perfect and havin' perfect results too, so I bet you will never lost anything...."

-Nurul Suciana-

Just a Little Random Stuff When I'm Glow Thinking of You

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Remember tonight, when you came when I'm fall, taught me *again* about world likes, showed me that I'm not alone, and make me stronger than ever, also, hearing my story and speechless when I couldnt control myself to cried loud.

Remember yesterday, even day by day from last year, time going fast with fun things around, and you...are fun!


Even no fate, no happiness, thinking of You is the most wonderful thing made my day, thanks for always being the lovely one even when I'm fall, You're just the one I'll love forever more and I surely want to thanks for it! 


This post is dedicated for ....... .. ..... *somebody I knew so right out there. Cepet sembuh ya, jangan main ujan lagi, gigit ntar. HAHAHA! :P

Stupid Girl Trying to Write, Should Somebody Read It?


Ikenai Taiyou, na na na na na na na na na ....   -Orange Range


How its hurt, anyone? 

I need anyone could explain it, how its hurt, how I feel that so far, how the way I forget it, it came sooo bunch crush my head, NO! I let it goes, I'd love to think desperate things just by now, and feel happy about it, I laughed so much tonight, deriding myself becauce I've cried before, HAHA! I'm always using the tears for anything, and thats just ONE reason made me weak, and I'm weak, just because I have the tears, and over proud to have it so that I used it everytime to show that I'm glad, touched, and hurt, and problably more than it.

...and what I feel tonight? 

I'm not break-up with anyone, I'm not in a relationship, and if I was, I dont even cry, or problably sad, felt I'm fail, eh No! feel I'm lost the one, hahaha, No! I've never feel lost besides my brotha and my dad, so, yeah! I've ever feel the thing named break-up (I'm not really understand), and its not totally bad, at least I know he wasnt my fate, and I would happy with somebody else, hahaha, can you imagine how freak I am?

Hahaha, it's not about relationship, you know, I'm looking for the one that last, eh! sorry wrong again, now I'm just so happy being alone, mazely-single girl, and I'm not looking for. 

How's my feel actually??

HURT? not really, HAPPY? not at all, COMMON? I guess not, 

PATHETIC? Yeah! It was right.

The reason tonight also being the top of the most suffer nights is I am, ok watch this accurate, I am, yeah! I am... Failed again in UJIAN MASUK BERSAMA. and you know how its feel? DARK, I cant explain but i did cry, but then I'm laughed, I tried to make fun myself, but yeah, it's too much suffering, and now I dont even care of it! YEAH!

Should I think I still have any chances? stupid girls are always thinking the chances, and I'm a stupid girl everybody known, and I... do thinking I still have any chances,  even I'm still dreaming about Harvard University one day, and I wonder that I was born to dream anything without having the chance to reach it, do I?

If is it true, I'm also proud of it. 


Quote today.

Bahkan ketika kamu merasa sangat tolol menjadi nyawa yang berada dalam tubuhmu, memiliki otak seperti otakmu, menjalani hidup seperti yang setiap hari kau lakukan, percayalah bahwa disana tak ada nyawa-nyawa lain yang seperti dirimu, otak-otak lain seperti otakmu, hidup-hidup lain seperti hidupmu, maka tetaplah bangga menjadi dirimu sendiri dan memimpikan semua hal yang kau inginkan.
Stay different :)

 Avril Lavigne-I'm With You

 I'm standing on the bridge
I'm waiting in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but there's no sound

Isn't anyone tryin’ to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home?

It's a damn cold night!
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you


I'm looking for a place
I'm searching for a face
Is anybody here I know?
'Cause nothing's going right
And everything’s a mess
And no one likes to be alone

Isn't anyone tryin’ to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home?



Why is everything so confusing?
Maybe I'm just out of my mind
Yeah.. yeah.. yeah!..yeah.. yeah,
yeah.. yeah, yeah yeah,YEAH...
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I....!
I'm with YOU...
I'm with YOU...
Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I!

I'm with you...
I'm with you...

Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I
I'm with you
I'm with you

I'm with you...


The last thing, just, sweet dreams everyone, enjoy your life :)

The Fairy On 18 :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

.......................................................................... :')

The first thing tonight, to think, to pray, to write, is I thank You Allah SWT, for a sweet life until 18 years, for sewing out both perfectly people called Mom and Dad, for the best present ever called family, for creating so many best friends, for a good life now than ever, for so many dreams I wish could be true, for irreplaceable minds, for trusting me go through with my role in this world, for... loves! :)

And the second, let me thank so much with my Dad now in the heaven :), a GREATEST hero who gave me a true life and showed me more wonderful things problably I would never get from somebody else, for any reasons could make me feel safe, for so much lessons, advices, dreams, and made me right even better :)

Also, Mom, the best teacher alive, for restrained the sickness for 9 months, for the patience saved me, for the brightest face when I'm fall, for lovin' me that much with no reason, for all suggest to choice, for always protected me out from the bad thing :)

Thanks for my family, for my older brother and sister, who always showed me the right things, taught me about this world likes, always cares of my life, lead me on right way to the future, and for my big family, I couldn't type them one by one here, they're bunched, and sweet, thanks for lovin' me and you know, I love you all so much too :)

....and God, thanks for showed both cutest girls, Nawal and Aura, they are my ridiculous life ever :)

You know, I want to read this even for along time, and I havent do that :(, But tonight, I want to appreciating all your roles in my life, I THANK for you all my best friends, for you all who know me and considering myself as your friend :) Thank you so much for this wonderful world and I wouldnt change it with anything, I love you all soooo much :)

I thank you all facebook friends and friends from another social network, I feel sooo bad I can't reply you all, especially for you facebookers, my dream also put my likes to all your massage on my wall, but you came so intense :D  but I do read all yours, thanks for all birthday wishes, you're just really made my day :)

.......and for someone out there, thanks for the FIRST utterance and birthday wish, and a lot of another stuffs, and you know, there's still nothing like You and I :D :)


18 is adorable, 1 means I will always trying to be a good girl number one, and 8 is my favourite number, it mixed so cool, and on this cool age, I wish I would find the new me, I wish I could change all bad things which is still stay on mine, and to open my eyes to see my duty for my environment, for exploring myself to find a new thing could change me to somebody new who's worthwhile for everyone else in the world, I am always happy to be something useful :)   


....I've didnt make any great wishes, but I'll write any obsessions which is still rational, and I would never promise the heavy stuffs, just :

--I'll be a newest girl who's become more great, excellent, and nicer if I have a chance to take a psychology major, so, I wish I would get that major :) but I dont worry for this 17th of July, I would receive all your decisions, God :)

--I wish the healthy for our lovely Earth :)

--I wish, as always, being a good girl for everyone, My Mom, My Family, My Friends, My Teacher (should I say the lecturer for now? haha), everyone in my life and everyone who would come on it :)

There's so many things I wish I could try, but God gave me more than I cant ask for, so, I decided to be quite and never being greedy to ask again, let it walks slowly.  But.........

God, I know you have known my secret wishes :D *thanksalot:)


Saturday, July 9, 2011

July is right, july is adorable, july is alterations. and I'm not ready yet :(

...and July for this year, any good? I'm desperate, failed in the test which hurt so much, have so many bad minds, and ... all about give up, eventhough it was reducing now, but still, I have no idea to make any wishes, and it's actually not me, cause I always had any idea to make wishes and resolution, and always excited about it, but now, nothing, feel like a jerk : and it disturb me enough!

I can't ask God for more, God gave me more than I can thanks for, I just need God to protect me from anything scared out there, and yeah. thats all! but, everyone should make the resolutions to make themselves better isnt it?

P.S : I really need to think about this, I have to!

Miserable Week :(

Hiii…. !
SO, here I am, nyantai di kamar sambil dengerin playlist lagu-lagu kesayangan, sedang mencoba “beristirahat” dari minggu yang melelahkan, stress, nangis, sumpek, ngebetein, banyak pikiran, pesimis, capek, dan semua hal-hal buruk lain bercampur jadi satu, keadaan ngerasa tersisih malah yang paling menganggu, pokoknya minggu ini K.A.C.A.U… berasa hilang masa depan, nggak dianggap, and more other ridiculous things, capek!

Dan entah kenapa aku jadi pengen ngulang lagi semua yang terjadi minggu ini, rasanya bagus aja gitu buat dijadiin pelajaran berharga, hahaha, entah deh, mungkin juga otak emang udah soak beneran gara-gara nggak bisa menfilter hal-hal aneh seminggu belakangan ini, tapi yang jelas, minggu ini emang pantes dikenang, buat mastiin kalo nggak akan ada lagi minggu kayak gini kedepannya, dan buat prepare kalo seandainya emang ada minggu yang kayak gini ntar, aku bakalan siap, semuanya bagian dari hidup, dan as always people known, hidup bukan sekedar yang manis-manis aja.


HARI PERTAMA, Rabu, 29 juni : Kekacauan dimulai

Hari rabu itu sebenernya adalah hari yang mungkin semua orang, berharap buat nggak ada (atau seenggaknya buat orang yang bernasib buruk malam itu), pas jam 7 malam, aku lagi facebookan di kamar and masih yakin kalo pengumuman snmptn itu jam setengah 9 gara-gara baca status orang yang salah dua hari sebelumnya, yeah! Dapet info dari status, hahaha, trus pas lagi ngutak-atik settingan facebook dan chatroom-nya, entah ada dorongan apa aku ngebuka page home di new tab dan selanjutnya muncul status dari orang-orang yang udah lulus, great! baru tau lolos langsung buat status, membantu sekalii sih sebenernya, truss sms-sms yang kemudian masuk nanyain lewat di jurusan apa :’( trus saya kagok ‘n cepet-cepet ngebuka situs snmptn.ac.id ‘n nggak peduli lagi sama settingan facebook, setelah nunggu loading yang cukup lama buat ukuran page segitu doang, aku langsung ngebuka page pengumuman snmptn, iih, emang unlucky me, jaringan internet di rumah emang ngeselin banget banget banget terutama dii hari itu, trus aku langsung minta ijin –cukup lama juga, buat ke warnet di deket rumah, dan setelah akhirnya dapet ijin juga (huufftt!!), aku langsung siap-siap dan ke warnet bareng ayu, yap! Waktu itu, Ayu masih disini, dengan setelan piyama, kita cepet-cepet kesana, dan warnetnya masih banyak yang kosong, setelah baca ayat-ayat kayak Al-Fatihah dan lain-lain aku ngetik nomor ujian snmptn sama tanggal lahir dan disanalah, mimpi buruk dimulai.
Sebenernya emang udah maleeeeeeeees banget buat ngeliat lagi gambar ini, tapi emang ini yang aku dapetin, sepulang dari warnet aku (yang udah mulai kacau, lebay, berat), ngebuka lagi page ini dirumah yang udah nggak error lagi, sampe kalo nggak salah tujuh kali :(

too scared to be true, but then, its true :'(

Dan aku mulai sibuk di depan computer, nulis berlembar-lembar, curhat sambil nangis ditemenin Ayu, Uhh! Thanks a lot babe! Facebookan, nggak ngeladenin satupun orang di rumah yang berusaha menghibur (diluar dugaan, mamak saya mengerti sekali, uuh! Thaaankksss a lot mom, like I said, you’re just sooo perfect!!), dan akhirnya nangkring di blog, bikin postingan nggak penting sampe jam tiga pagi, masih ditemenin apa-apa yang seakan speechless dan kerjanya Cuma ngusap-ngusap bahu aku aja, Cuma satu kalimat yang aku masih ingat banget dan seingatku, kayaknya Cuma itu yang bisa dikatannya malam itu : “kakak sepupu kami juga gitu pas tes tahun pertama, tapi tahun keduanya lewat”. 

HARI KEDUA DAN KETIGA, 30 juni-1 juli : Antri beli pin
Sebenernya nggak ada yang salah di hari itu, eiits, nggak ding, lumayan banyak salahnya, salah banget, karena jam 10 pagi aku ke BNI pusat depan shopping centre Banda Aceh dan nyesal karena kepagian perginya, disana tuh lagi error dan bakalan buka lagi jam duaan gitu deh, okreh, setelah ketemu temen-temen smu7 yang ikutan beli pin (dan nggak lulus), ada Ade, Amel, Tiwi, Mella, Chintami, Dara, Upha, trus ketemu Sisy sama Widya, dan cerita-cerita soal kejadian menyedihkan semalam, nyeritain masalah yang lolos di Unsyiah juga, aku pulang, eh, nggak juga, abis itu aku ke gallery di daerah Peunayong buat beli alat-alat keperluan persiapan Training yang diadain besoknya di Mesjid Kueh, eh, you know what, aku jadi sekretaris di kepanitiaan MTQ tahun ini, ah, such as I’m gonna have the most great experience this year :D

Dan setelah itu, sekitar jam setengah tigaan saya balik lagi ke BNI, yang ternyata telah dikerubungi oleh orang-orang senasib sependeritaan yang ngantri sampe keluar gedung, waww! Trus jumpa lagi sama Shisy ‘n Widya, mereka nyaranin aku buat dateng besoknya aja karena nggak mungkin lagi hari itu, banknya bakalan ditutup jam empat sore, oke, then we got back, me, with ayu, dan nggak bisa dibilang pulang juga, karena kita ke Ulele dulu buat ngeliat pantai dan nemenin Ayu jalan-jalan, dan unlucky me, again, nggak bisa teriak buat ngelepasin beban karena disana keadaannya lagi nggak sepi :’(

Besoknya, bareng Ayu juga, kita ke BNI Stui, berharap disana nggak rame tapi beeeuuuh, ngantri lagi, mana error terus, siap ngantri sampe jam sebelasan, karena jumat jadi kita ke beu jroh, duduk disana sampe abis jumat, eh, ada Dewi juga yang jumpa di Bank. Trus, kita sepakat buat ke BNI Lueng Bata aja dan berharap nggak rame, tapi lagi-lagi disana udah penuh dan kita dapet nomor antrian 225, dewi 226, dan ahhh, antriannya dimulai dari nomor satu, dan juga masih error, yaudah kerjaan kita disana dari jam dua sampe jam 4 banknya tutup Cuma numpang ngerumpi sambil ngeliat temen-temen sependeritaan (yang bikin aku heran dan nggak tahan buat ngebayangin sebanyak apa remaja-remaja sebaya aku di Banda Aceh, eh, Aceh deh, mungkin juga mereka berasal dari banyak daerah di Aceh, secara yang keterima di Unsyiah aja dua ribuan gitu, ckck), sama nongkrongin teller muda yang tampangnya arab-arab gitu, hahahah. Dan hari kedua juga nggak ada hasil, uh! Yaudah kita mutusin pulang dan aku ditemenin ayu ke warnet buat download soal-soal UMB.

HARI KEEMPAT DAN KELIMA, 2-3 juli : desperate di rumah

Kalo bisa aku simpulan, kayaknya hari-hari ini yang paling bikin menderita, nongkrong nggak jelas di rumah dan bikin perasaan nggak keruan, mikir aneh-aneh, nangis, ngulang-ngulang ngeliat page snmptn dan dengerin lagu-lagu mellow, TERINGAT AYAH dan lupa kalo aku nggak pernah bisa ngebahagian beliau, sengaja banget bikin diri sendiri desperate dengan berbagai hal, dan Cuma ada satu alasan : GAK LOLOS SNMPTN.

HARI KEENAM, 4 juli : Had a good day with Dewi :)

Dan inilah puncaknya air mata itu nggak pernah jatuh lagi, senin pagi, pagi banget, sekitar jam tujuh lewat gitu aku sama dewi ke BNI pusat dan gud, Dewi di antrian pertama dan aku kedua, dan nggak ada orang lain selain kami, hahaha, sampe ujung-ujungnya bingung harus kemana lagi karena masih terlalu pagi dan setelah muter-muter dan ke studio foto karena Dewi ada keperluan, kita ke sekolah, jumpa temen-temen yang rata-rata lewat di jurusan yang keren-keren dan bikin desperate lagi, hahaha, tapi nggak penting karena akhirnya kita ngerumpi sampe siang, bareng de pc, dini, dan temen-temen yang lain, sampe akhirnya kita online di warnet daerah neusu dan makan bareng dewi, dan pulang lagi jam empat. Dan… udah mulai bisa lega sedikit. Hehe

HARI KETUJUH : Studying and random things.

Dan setelah itu, back to nature, mulai dag-dig-dug lagi dan berasa kayak mau UN sekali lagi, hahaha, kegiatanku berubah jadi belajar terus-terusan, trus kadang-kadang ngelamun, dengerin lagu, sampe demam tinggi malam rabunya, sampe hari kamis kemaren, kondisi drop dan aku kuatir banget soal hari ini, tapi, yaaah, akhirnya, bernafas lega karena ujiannya sudah selesai dan semoga tidak ada lagi minggu desperate seperti ini kedepannya.

Dan ini kegiatan penting setelah beberapa hari yang paling membingungkan sedunia, belajar ditemenin sama buku soal-soal snmptn, soal umb download, soal snmptn kemaren, binder notes, diary mungil imut-imut yang aku jadiin agenda terpenting sepanjang sejarah peradaban manusia (hadiah anak-anak DePC di ultah ke tujuh belas tahun kemaren hihi), dua kartu ujian, punya snmptn buat ngedongkrak semangat, dan yang satu lagi punya umb yang sebenernya Cuma buat dilirik-lirik aja, kertas-kertas origami yang jadi sasaran kemarahan buat dicincang-cincang karena ribet ngerjain soal-soal matematika, and you should know those were basic math, hp, dan yaiiy magnum classic, Yummmiiiii :q

Dan apa yang saya pelajari selama seminggu lebih ini, bahwa terkadang, nggak semua hal yang kita anggap benar maka akan baik untuk kita, kadang kita harus punya sifat nerima apapun yang sudah menjadi keputusan yang diatas, sekeras apapun usaha kita (dan sebenernya saya tau kalo usaha saya di snmptn lalu masih kurang), kalo rejeki itu tidak berpihak ke kita, maka itu tidak akan pernah menjadi milik kita, dan itu hal biasa, walaupun demikian, tetep nggak ada salahnya buat selalu optimis dan think fast of anything, dan satu yang terpenting :

“life is hard, and its harder if you’re stupid!” –anonymous-

Dan walaupun nggak penting, tapi saya pengen berterimakasih buat mereka yang udah nemenin saya minggu-minggu ini, thanks for Mariah Carey and her “HERO”, Paramore and their “When it rains”, also Richard Marx and his “I’ll be right here waitin’ for you” and taylor Swift and “forever and always” –piano version, nggak tau kenapa, aku jadi fans fanatic mereka minggu ini, ngedengerin lagu-lagu itu bikin aku semangat lagi, dan walaupun sebagian emang nggak nyambung, but they have extremely mellow lyrics killed me softly and then I dreamt. :D



And when it rains
On this side of town it touches, everything
Just say it again and mean it
We don't miss a thing
You made yourself a bed
At the bottom of the blackest hole (blackest hole)
And convinced yourself that
It's not the reason you don't see the sun anymore

And oh, oh, how could you do it?
Oh I, I never saw it coming
Oh, oh, I need the ending
So why can't you stay
Just long enough to explain?

And when it rains
Will you always find an escape?
Just running away
From all of the ones who love you
From everything
You made yourself a bed
At the bottom of the blackest hole (blackest hole)
And you'll sleep 'til May
And you'll say that you don't want to see the sun anymore

And oh, oh, how could you do it?
Oh I, I never saw it coming
And oh, oh, I need the ending
So why can't you stay just long enough to explain?

Take your time
Take my time

Take these chances to turn it around (take your time)
Take these chances, we'll make it somehow
And take these chances to turn it around (take my...)
Just turn it around

Oh, how could you do it?
Oh I, I never saw it coming
Oh, oh, how could you do it?
Oh I, I never saw it coming
Oh, oh, how could you do it?
Oh I, I never saw it coming
Oh, oh I need an ending
So why can't you stay
Just long enough to explain?

You can take your time, take my time